Are Your Cannabis Edibles Set Up for Sweet Success?

Pot brownie - hemp cannabis leaves on chocolate brownie

With the new regulations and guidelines surrounding cannabis edibles, it can be difficult to know exactly how to formulate, package, and test them to ensure successful market entry and customer satisfaction. Whether you’ve already begun research and development for edibles or are looking to start, the legalization process doesn’t have to leave a bitter taste […]

4th Annual IPA Probiotics Workshop

International Probiotics association logo

Q&A with KGK CEO Najla Guthrie and George Paraskevakos of IPA October 31st, 2019 is the 4th Annual IPA Probiotics Workshop in DC. As the title sponsor for this one-day workshop bringing valuable direct information from experts in the probiotics industry, KGK Science President & CEO, Najla Guthrie got together with IPA Executive Director, George […]

KGK Goes Big on Scientific and Regulatory Expertise at NPA’s The Big Natural Show

Najla Guthrie stands with U.S. Representative for Texas, Dan Crenshaw, and U.S. Representative for Illinois, John Shimkus.

The Natural Product Association (NPA) hosted its 3rd Annual The Big Natural conference last week just outside of Washington, D.C., a 2-day event bringing together the most influential leaders in the natural products industry. This coincided with the 22nd Annual Natural Products Day, an advocacy event held on September 10th on Capitol Hill. Also known as “Lobby Day”, […]

Innovating Cannabis Impairment Testing: An Interview with Israel Gasperin

Israel Gasperin, Zentrela

Our current cannabis trial is looking at an innovative impairment testing device called the Cognalyzer™. We were able to sit down and talk with its inventor, Israel Gasperin, to learn more about it and his company, Zentrela.  Hi Israel and thanks for joining me. Congratulations on starting Zentrela and inventing the Cognalyzer™. Israel Gasperin: Thanks! Tell us […]

Athlete Immunity and Silver Hydrosol

Man in gym clothes with water bottle coughing.

With all the health benefits of staying active, we would think that exercise would make us less prone to getting sick. But did you know that people who participate in endurance exercise are more prone to common colds for a short period of days after the exercise? Runners, hockey players, CrossFit fanatics—anyone playing or doing […]

Picking Your Business Dance Partner: The New Age of Contractual Relationships

Lots of stick figures with connections to them standing in 3-D, symbolizing choices.

Last week, e-commerce giant Amazon took aim at own label distributors (OLDs) selling e-tailed products after the fallout from an injunction filed by the U.S. Department of Justice against a contract manufacturer (CM) late December of last year. While it turned out that one of the own label distributors was targeted unfairly as they were […]

Combating the Pandemic with Validated COVID-19 Test Kits

Covid rapid test kit with a a confirmed blood test report.

A recent USA Today article concerning the distribution of at-home coronavirus testing kits highlighted the confusion over what testing kits the FDA finds to be acceptable in the marketplace. COVID-19 test kits, while valuable today, are devices that have a defined regulatory pathway at FDA. COVID-19 test kits for in-the-home use are a great concept, but they […]

Natural Uncertainty: Observations from a CRO Amidst a Global Pandemic

Single medical mask on a desk.

August 24, 2020 –  It’s been several months since the world was introduced to a crisis, unlike anything we have seen in recent history. The impact that the COVID-19 virus has had on the world has been far-reaching, transforming the way we connect with each other, how businesses interact with one another and their customers, […]

The Microbiome: A Key Player on the Sports Nutrition Team

Gut Microbiome with colour images of different types of bacteria showing the diversity of it.

By Dr. Alison McDonald, Research Scientist, KGK Science Despite the restrictions in place for sports and associated activities because of the pandemic, there are many possibilities where one can keep motivated and healthy during this time of waiting. Having recently been a speaker and panelist at the 2021 Sports and Active Nutrition Summit USA, I […]

FDA Offers a “Scarlet Letter” for Companies Failing to File an NDI Notification

Non-complicance written underneath a tear in a red paper.

By Dr. Corey Hilmas, Chief Regulatory Officer, KGK Science FDA made minor headlines last week by publishing a new Import Alert (IA #54-18), titled “Detention Without Physical Examination of Dietary Supplements and Bulk Dietary Ingredients That Are or Contain New Dietary Ingredients.” While to the everyday consumer, this act might go unnoticed, to the regulatory world, this […]