Investigating the efficacy of MFGM Whey Protein on reduction of stress, anxiety and improving sleep in those with moderate stress.
We all experience stress on a somewhat regular basis. Stress is normal and healthy for our bodies to experience from time to time. When a person experiences stress for prolonged periods of time it can lead to negative health consequences. Due to extreme global issues such as Covid-19, it has been predicted that the general population will continue to experience negative societal effects and an increase in negative stress levels. The need for strategies to reduce stress levels is on the rise. Exercising, deep breathing, meditation and cessation of tobacco and nicotine are all great solutions but require compliance which can be difficult for some. Looking for solutions to reduce burdens that are sustainable is important. Natural alternatives may be a more feasible and sustainable option to help reduce the burden of stress and anxiety in healthy populations. Procream may be one of those solutions.
Phospholipids are major membrane lipids made up of bilayers. These bilayers help protect the cell membranes and are involved in many processes in the neuron (nerve cells) pathway. When the processes are protected by this layer of phospholipids it reduces the impact that stress can have on the body and allows the nervous system to operate effectively.
Milk molecules are surrounded by a layer of phospholipids, cholesterol and proteins called milk fat globular membranes (MFGM). These MFGMs, when supplemented in both animal and human populations, have been shown to have a positive impact on cognition, mood, and overall behaviour. Studies have shown that these MFGMs can have the ability to reduce stress created by social situations and anticipatory stress in humans. Reducing your body’s reaction to stress also helps reduce your anxiety levels and can therefore improve your overall quality of life and mood.
KGK Science is studying the effects of Whey Protein (which contains MFGMs) on overall stress and anxiety reduction in adults.
You will be required to:
- Take the Investigational Product or Placebo for 56 days.
- Complete questionnaires in relation to stress levels, sleep, and feelings
- Maintain all current lifestyle habits including food, sleep, and exercise except for changes required by the study.
Does this interest you?
- Paid compensation of up to $40 for each qualified participant upon completion of this study
- Free product
- Potential Reduction in Stress and Anxiety
- Improving Natural Health Research through participation
Eligible participants will need to be:
- Moderately Stressed on a regular basis.
- Between Ages of 18-65
- No ongoing stress disorders, anxiety disorders, or sleep disorders
- General Good Health
If interested in participating in this study, sign up now to be added to our waiting list.
Have any questions about this study?
- Please email us:
- Call us at 1-833-564-6545